
These eBooks, Jesus In Me, are a series of written testimonies about my personal journey with God. I'm a practical person who always desires a tangible experience, rather than a theoretical religious one.

From the beginning, I asked God to prove He was real and not a code of conduct or theory to be believed in. God has not disappointed me and you will read about my experiences in this inspiring series. 

I have written in a sequential order and as accurately as I can remember the events which began 44 years ago.  The first 6 months of my journey was an exhilarating time. I was very excited when I discovered God was so practical.

You will read about how I believed and successfully applied another person's testimony to my life. I now understand the meaning of the lyrics of the song "It's no secret what the Lord can do what He's done for others He will do for you". This song is a prophetic song.

Not only will you read my testimonies, I will also share valuable spiritual tips to help you work with God as He perfects you to be the bride for His Son.

Here are some of the chapters you will receive. 

  • How it all started. 
  • How I stopped smoking 75 cigarettes each day. 
  • To Another Degree, God's Bible College for me. 
  • Praying and receiving rain for the farm.
  • God's direct spiritual counsel.
  • Learning to walk in the Spirit. 
  • And many more.

I hope you will enjoy this series and have your own exciting experiences with God.
