
Sean Mise https://affluentconsultant.com/
Your poetry has blessed me beyond measure over the years.​You seem to know the perfect words to send at the perfect time. So many of the poems felt inspired when they reached me, and they touched me right where I needed it.I believe God has uniquely blessed the words in your hand and your pen, and I thank God to have made your acquaintance and to have been able to be blessed not just by your poetry, but also by your care and friendship.

David Lee Martin. Author & Poet, Christian Creative Coach.
"I have always been a lover of poetry - from the classics to the quirky, the Psalms to modern lyrics. The way that poetry demands words to be boiled down to their essentials always fascinates me. Just a few lines, a single word, can say more than several paragraphs. So, when I turned 44, and totally out of the blue, Lloyd Portman sent me a personal poem he had written for me. I was amazed. His small poem was packed with a big punch and genuinely touched and inspired me (it still does today every time I read it). Lloyd has an incredible ability to challenge, inspire, question, and express things that reach deep on the inside of his readers. I can think of no one better to connect with than Lloyd Portman!” 

Yvonne A. Jones, Relationship Marketing https://50andWiserCoaching.com
The ability to take something inanimate, or take an idea and give it a personality that individuals from different walks of life can appreciate in different ways is an amazing gift.This is what Lloyd Portman does with his poetry. I try to imagine what goes on in Lloyd’s brain and it’s beyond me. He’s able to transform a statement or even an event by creating beautiful, poetic language so it takes on a life of its own and brings new meaning to readers. Thank you, Lloyd, for using poetry to bring things to life. 

Simon Kramer New Zealand Artist @ Link
Lloyd Portman is a relentless encourager who has developed a unique ability to write poetry that can connect with people in a profound way. He has always been a person who wants to see what is going on behind the obvious. And is focused on helping people up. Lloyd has been involved in many businesses over the years, ranging from forestry through farming, building, and retail. And now works on the internet developing products that improve people's relationships and bring richness to their lives.

Endorsement Phil Sharplin
I met Lloyd in early August 2018. I was recently separated, and we formed a relationship over the course of a couple of days, as I constructed a new fence for him. As I shared my situation with him, it impressed me at the lack of well-meaning advice, constructive criticism or empty platitudes. But instead, found a person who listened and had empathy for the total train wreck of my life. Someone who always had an ear to listen. The first piece of gold that he provided for me was “that I was in a process and everyone’s process is different”. There was no magic pill or plan that worked for all. Unlike anything else I had ever heard.

He let me find my personal way through all my own self-doubt, mistakes and revaluations of the motivating negativity that directed every decision and response I had made. The things that ultimately led me to the point of total wretchedness (that was in my head). Not knowing what was right or wrong and not being able to make any decision because of the conflicting arguments. He supported me through my acknowledgment of all I’d done wrong, provided insight as I strived for the reason for my actions, and encouraged me when I started to accept myself for who I was. All without that "well-meaning advice constructive criticism or empty platitudes".

Helping me get to a point of not only liking but loving the person in the mirror. Throughout my entire process of healing, Lloyd seemed to have an in-depth understanding of not only male but also female perceptions and expectations of relationships. I am so thankful for the input Lloyd has had in my learning about myself as I not only gained an understanding of perceived good or bad, but in me coming into a mind of total positivity. Realizing that in all situations, there is good for me. Thank you, Lloyd and I hope that you continue to make positive input into many others journeys of healing. 

Comments from Students and Friends.

Geoff - Your number 1 skill is being a people person - your ability to meet, engage, relate, empathize and communicate with people. Perception is the thing you can do easily when others find it hard. 

Paul - Lloyd is not a great counselor because he has not made any mistakes, but because he has made the same mistakes common to all men. The difference with Lloyd is that he has found a way to deal with the issues of life, and a deep and abiding understanding, by viewing them through the prism of his Christianity. He is one of the less condemning, and more encouraging characters I have met, a cool head in a crisis, a wise head in a storm, and an encouraging voice of reason when reason is at a premium. His poetry, so often timely and poignant, drawing energy from experience and a God-given gift. 

Donna - You are always optimistic, and incredibly positive. 

Mary (My Proofreader) - Lloyd has an innate and acute awareness of human nature:- He picks up on emotional stress and is able to understand and articulate the worries/concerns of others who don't have the skills to express themselves properly. He is able, through his poems, to zero in on a state of mind or a train of thought and clears away the cobwebs so the reader can see the straight path ahead. He is a very good listener - a rare talent. 

Simon M - The ability to interact with strangers in a way that creates a connection in the moment, with the potential for a relationship of a lifetime: in a way that leaves the individual with a greater sense of being. 

Dave - Has the wisdom & insight to see, & help others see what they can't see. 

Phil S - You are an encourager, and genuinely interested in other people's wellbeing and success. Many people approach relationships as a means to their own ends- essentially self-serving. You have a different way - because you care and you show it through words and actions. 

Peter - Wisdom to analyze a situation, Clear communication, Compassion for others